Monday, November 24, 2008

Critical Mass "Burn the Turkey" Bike Ride Friday 11/28/08 - New Meetup Location

New Meetup Location: Cooper & Trimble @ Overton Square
6:00 PM Friday 11/28/08
Helmets and Lights Mandatory

No easy hike to park: Access from west to Shelby Farms problematic for walkers, bikers

By Michael Kelley (Contact), Memphis Commercial Appeal
Sunday, November 23, 2008

The master plan is done, and it's only a matter of time before Shelby Farms Park is declared a world-class destination. Of course, a lot of people who use the 4,500-acre East Memphis park think it already is, with its shaded trails, its wind-swept lakes, its rolling hills and those clear lines of sight that stretch across acres and acres of wide-open spaces.
What the park has never had, and still doesn't, though, is easy access from the west, unless you're in a motorized vehicle or in the middle of a pack of swift cyclists in bright, attention-getting jerseys who know what they're doing.
That's a shame for residents of East Memphis, Midtown and other neighborhoods that lie to the west, who still need a car to negotiate the recently widened stretch of Walnut Grove between Interstate 240 and the new bridge over the Wolf River. Read more...