Friday, October 10, 2008

Trailing a new trend

Commercial Appeal Editorial
Thursday, October 9, 2008

Suburban living hasn't always been accommodating to pedestrians and bicyclists.

Many suburbs around the country seem to have been designed to discourage all forms of transportation except automobile traffic.

But that's changing.

Bartlett city workers have been finishing up the first phase of what is expected to eventually be a network with 30 miles of walking/bicycling trails connecting neighborhoods to parks, community buildings and open spaces.

Similar efforts are under way in Germantown and Collierville. These trails within communities can be a nice complement to larger projects like the planned Greater Memphis Greenline, which would create a linear park stretching between Midtown and Cordova.

Trails can greatly improve our quality of life.

They provide safe places to get exercise and socialize. It never hurts to save money on gas, either.

Dare we say it?

Trails really can make us happy.

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